Reference: Template Elements

A reference of template elements is provided here. Required or Optional indicates whether the element is required to create a template.

Template Elements

Parameter Optional/Mandatory Data Type Description
id  Optional Long ID of the template.
uuid Optional String Unique ID of the template.
name Optional String Name of the template.
description Optional String Description of the template.
category Mandatory String Category of the template.
familyId Mandatory String Family identifier of the template.
revision Optional Long Version of the template.
isLibrary Optional Boolean True if the template is created from a library template.
questionCnt Required Long Count of questions in a template.
state Optional String State of the template (Published, Draft)
elements Mandatory List List of Template element (sections, questions, ...)
elements.sections Mandatory List List of Template section, a section can contains other sections and questions.
elements.questions Mandatory List List of the template questions.
elements.scorings Mandatory List List of the template scorings.
Scoring.label Optional String Scoring value.
Scoring.value Optional String Scoring value. Mandatory String Name of the section.
Section.description   String Description of the section.
Question.label Optional String Label assigned to the question.
Question.text Optional String Description of the question.
Question.type Optional String The question type (booleanQuestion, numericQuestion, textQuestion, ...)
Question.mode Mandatory String The question mode (Button, Radio, Combo)
Question.criticality Mandatory String The question criticality (INFO, CRITICAL, ...)
Question.requireAttachment Mandatory Boolean True if the Attachment required flag is set to yes.
Question.requireComment Mandatory Boolean True if the Comment required flag is set to yes.
Question.requireAsset Mandatory Boolean True if the Asset required flag is set to yes.
Question.yesScoringLabel Mandatory Boolean The question yes scoring label, used for Boolean question only.
Question.noScoringLabel Mandatory String The question no scoring label, used for Boolean question only.
Question.minCommentLength Mandatory Integer The question min comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.
Question.maxCommentLength  Mandatory Integer The question max comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.
Question.dateRange Mandatory Date The question date range, used for a date question only.
Question.minAnswerLength Mandatory Integer The question minimum question length, used for a text question only.
Question.maxAnswerLength Mandatory Integer he question max comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.
Answer.title Mandatory String Title of the answer.
Answer.value Mandatory String Value of the answer.
Answer.requireAttachment Mandatory Boolean True if the Attachment required flag is set to yes.
Answer.requireComment Mandatory Boolean True if the Comment required flag is set to yes.
Answer.requireAsset Mandatory Boolean True if the Asset required flag is set to yes.
Answer.scoringLabel Mandatory Required The answer scoring label (only for the dropdown, multiselect, single select)
Answer.minCommentLength Mandatory Integer The Answer min comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.
Answer.maxCommentLength Mandatory Integer The Answer max comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.

Refer to the following table to view details of elements.



id (Long)

(Optional) ID of the template.

uuid (String)

(Optional) Unique ID of the template.

name (String)

(Optional) Name of the template.

description (String)

(Optional) Description of the template.

category (String)

(Required) Category of the template.

familyId (String)

(Required) Family identifier of the template.

revision (Long)

(Optional) Version of the template.

isLibrary (Boolean)

(Optional) True if the template is created from a library template.

questionCnt (Long)

(Required) Count of questions in a template.

state (String)

(Optional) State of the template (Published, Draft)

elements (List)

(Required) List of Template element (sections, questions, ...)

elements.sections (List)

(Required) List of Template section, a section can contains other sections and questions.

elements.questions (List)

(Required) List of the template questions.

elements.scorings (List)

(Required) List of the template scorings.

Scoring.label (String)

(Optional) Scoring label.

Scoring.value (Integer)

(Optional) Scoring value. (String)

(Required) Name of the section.

Section.description (String)

Description of the section.

Question.label (String)

(Optional) Label assigned to the question.

Question.text (String)

(Optional) Description of the question.

Question.type (String)

(Optional) The question type (booleanQuestion, numericQuestion, textQuestion, ...)

Question.mode (String)

(Required) The question mode (Button, Radio, Combo)

Question.criticality (String)

(Required) The question criticality (INFO, CRITICAL, ...)

Question.requireAttachment (Boolean)

(Required) True if the Attachment required flag is set to yes.

Question.requireComment (Boolean)

(Required) True if the Comment required flag is set to yes.

Question.requireAsset (Boolean)

(Required) True if the Asset required flag is set to yes.

Question.yesScoringLabel (String)

(Required) The question yes scoring label, used for Boolean question only.

Question.noScoringLabel (String)

(Required for Boolean question) The question no scoring label, used for Boolean question only.

Question.minCommentLength (Integer)

(Required) The question min comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.

Question.maxCommentLength (Integer)

(Required) The question max comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.

Question.dateRange (Date)

(Required for date question) The question date range, used for a date question only.

Question.minAnswerLength (Integer)

(Required for text question) The question minimum question length, used for a text question only.

Question.maxAnswerLength (Integer)

(Required for text question) The question minimum question length, used for a text question only.

Answer.title (String)

(Required) Title of the answer.

Answer.value (String)

(Required) Value of the answer.

Answer.requireAttachment (Boolean)

(Required) True if the Attachment required flag is set to yes.

Answer.requireComment (Boolean)

(Required) True if the Comment required flag is set to yes.

Answer.requireAsset (Boolean)

(Required) True if the Asset required flag is set to yes.

Answer.scoringLabel (String)

(Required) The answer scoring label (only for the dropdown, multiselect, single select)

Answer.minCommentLength (Integer)

(Required) The Answer min comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.

Answer.maxCommentLength (Integer)

(Required) The Answer max comment length, the value of this field is stored if the requireComment field is set to true.