Use this API to update multiple users in the API user’s scope.
The user must have the Security Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) module enabled, the User must have API ACCESS permission, and the Output includes users within the API user's scope.
The following input elements are optional and act as filters. When multiple elements are specified, parameters are combined using a logical AND.
Parameter | Mandatory/Optional | Data Type | Description | Allowed Operators |
id | Optional | Integer | ID of the users | EQUALS, IN |
uuid | Optional | Integer | Unique IDs of the user | EQUALS |
firstName | Optional | Text | First names of the users | CONTAINS, EQUALS |
lastName | Optional | Text | Last name of the users | CONTAINS, EQUALS |
company | Optional | Text | Company of the users | CONTAINS, EQUALS |
title | Optional | Text | Title of the user's work profile | CONTAINS, EQUALS |
emailAddress | Optional | Text | Email address of the users | CONTAINS, EQUALS |
userName | Optional | Text | User name of the user |
CONTAINS, EQUALS | | Optional | Integer | Tag applied to the user | EQUALS, IN | | Optional | Text | Tag name applied to user | CONTAINS, EQUALS |
API Request
curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "content-type: text/xml" -X "POST"
--data-binary @-
"https:// <qualysbaseurl>/qps/rest/1.0/update/saq/user" < file.xml
Note: "file.xml" contains the request POST data.
Request POST Data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Criteria field="id" operator="IN">767231592,713091591</Criteria>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ServiceResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""> <responseCode>SUCCESS</responseCode> <count>2</count> <data> <User> <id>713091591</id> <uuid>d78bbe2c-5396-48ea-92cc-03d0076ee839</uuid> <firstName>Invitee123123</firstName> <lastName>user-api-renamed3</lastName> <company>VendorForExistingUser_gs4</company> <emailAddress></emailAddress> <userName>invitee.user23@qualys</userName> <tags> <Tag> <id>18975646</id> <name>CLV-ALL</name> </Tag> <Tag> <id>24504212</id> <name>AssetTagTest</name> </Tag> </tags> </User> <User> <id>767231592</id> <uuid>4f512fb6-4d31-471a-bb22-7f7b97755caf</uuid> <firstName>fadi14-renamed</firstName> <lastName>user-api-renamed3</lastName> <company>qualys-fadi14</company> <emailAddress></emailAddress> <userName>newvendor.lastnamevendor@vendor_5hm</userName> </User> </data> </ServiceResponse>
<platform API server>/qps/xsd/1.0/saq/user.xsd