Deploying Virtual Scanner in Alibaba Cloud Infrastructure with CLI 

The following Alibaba CLI command is used to create an instance in Alibaba Cloud. Within the UserData option, you should specify the PERSCODE and any proxy server configuration details, encoded in base64 format.

To create instance use the following command:

aliyun ecs RunInstances [OPTIONS]


Field Mandatory/Optional Description
--ImageId Mandatory ID of the image used to create the instance.
--InstanceType Mandatory instance type
--SecurityGroupId Mandatory ID of the security group to which to assign the instance.
--VSwitchId Mandatory ID of the vSwitch to which to connect the instance
--InstanceName  Mandatory

Name of the instance. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length. It must start with a letter and cannot start with http:// or https://.

It can contain letters, digits, colons (:), underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-)

--UserData  Mandatory User data of the instance. The user data must be encoded in Base64.
--InstanceChargeType :

Billing method of the instance.

Valid values:

  • PrePaid: subscription
  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go
Default value: PostPaid.
--SystemDisk.Category  Mandatory

The category of the system disk.

Valid values:

  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • cloud_essd: enhanced SSD (ESSD)
  • cloud: basic disk
  • Optional (Default mode):  The security-hardening mode (IMDSv2) is not forcibly used.
  • Required: The security-hardening mode (IMDSv2) is forcibly used. After you set this parameter to required, you cannot access the instance metadata in normal mode.

Example: Launch a Qualys Scanner

aliyun ecs RunInstances --ImageId IMAGEID --InstanceType 'ecs.g6e.large' --SecurityGroupId SECURITY-GROUPID --VSwitchId VSWITCHID --InstanceName qualys-scanner --UserData UEVSU0NPREU9NzA2NjQzMzM0MzM5OTg= --SystemDisk.Category cloud_essd 

For more information regarding launching instances on Alibaba Cloud refer to RunInstances from Alibaba cloud documentation.

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Know your Scanner Status