Private Cloud Platform Users
It can take hours to download the latest qVSA image from Qualys cloud storage account to your machine and then upload it to your Azure storage account using the Azure GUI.
If you are using a private cloud platform, you can save time by copying the image directly from Qualys cloud storage to your Azure account using Azure CLI tools.
Following are the steps to copy the image directly from Qualys cloud storage to your Azure account:
Qualys Operations provides you with a link to the qVSA image.
- Set up Azure CLI tools and log in to your Azure subscription using the Azure CLI azure login command.
- Copy the qVSA image from Qualys to your Azure subscription using this format:
azure storage blob copy start [sourceUri] [options] [destContainer]
Parameter Description [sourceUri] qVSA image link provided by Qualys Operations. -a, --account-name <accountName> The storage account name. -k, --account-key <accountKey> The storage account key. [destContainer] The destination container in the storage specified with option -a Example
azure storage blob copy start -a storageNNNN -k xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx== images
Once you have the Qualys qVSA image in the Azure Cloud storage account, you can send it to the Azure Stacks Storage account using azcopy.
AzCopy.exe /Source: /
/DestKey:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /S /SyncCopy /V
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