Useful Commands: Hyper-V CPU, RAM and Storage Information in Windows PowerShell

Installing a Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance in Hyper-V is a straightforward process, regardless of whether you are using Windows 11 or Windows Server 2019/2022. However, Windows 11 Pro is better suited for desktop use, while Windows Server may be the preferable option for a production environment. 

If you choose Windows 11, you need to consider three important factors:

  • CPU availability vs. assignment
  • RAM availability vs. assignment
  • Storage Capacity

The following commands are executed on Windows 11 22H2 by using PowerShell in Admin mode.

Command Description Example
systeminfo Displays basic configuration information about the OS name and version, BIOS, Processors, Memory, Network cards and Hyper-V requirements  Viewing system information.
get-computerinfo Provides more detailed information about the System and OS properties t can be refined to select specific objects by using  Objects: get-computerinfo | select-object *proc*. As an example, this server has 2 physical CPU cores and a total of 24 logical processors. Get computer information.
Get-VMHost Provides information about the Memory and logical processors on the running Hyper-V. Get VM host.
Get-VMProcessor Provides information on the number of logical processors assigned to Virtual Machines running on the Host. view vm processor.
Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select LoadPercentage | Format-List Displays  CPUs load. view wmi objects.
Get-VM |select Computername, VMName, MemoryAssigned, MemoryDemand, MemoryStatus Provides information about Virtual Machines on one or more Hyper-V Hosts. For instance, to check the memory utilization of each VM, regardless of their status, you can run a command. view vm details like name memory assigned, memory status.
Get-PSDrive Provides information on logical drives in Windows, including network shares. information on logical drives in Windows.
Get-VMCheckpoint -VMName <virtual machine name> Displays the list of available checkpoints for a specific VM. list of available checkpoints.
Remove-VMCheckpoint -VMName <virtual machine name> Deletes the checkpoints for Qualys Scanner VM. Remove VM checkpoints.

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