Deploy Scanner Instance Using Command Line

PERSCODE in the form of user data can also be provided through the command line. In this case, you will not be prompted to enter the code on the console.

Perform the following steps to provide the PERSCODE using the command line.

  1. Create a file and add the following line in it.


    PROXY_URL= username:password@proxyhost:port 
    (This is optional )

  2. Run the following commands to launch an instance.

    Obtain your net-id

    OpenStack network list

  3. Run the following command to create an instance.
    openstack server create --flavor < FLAVOR > --image < SCANNER IMAGE > --nic net-id= < NET_ID > --security-group < SECURITY_GROUP > --user-data < FILE > < INSTANCE_NAME >

    If you do not provide PERSCODE in the form of userdata, you are prompted to enter it on the GUI console.

  4. Run the following commands on the Controller Node.

    Obtain your net-id

    openstack network list
  5. Run the following command to create an instance
    openstack server create --flavor < FLAVOR > --image < IMAGE_NAME > --nic net-id= < PROVIDER_NET_ID > --security-group < SECURITY_GROUP > < INSTANCE_NAME > 

    If PERSCODE is not provided by the user, the following error is returned.

    Press Enter and type in your personalization code. 

    enter personalization code

    The instance status will be ACTIVE after it is successfully launched.

Related Topics 

Know your Scanner Status
