Deploy Scanner Instance using Command-Line 

Log into your Proxmox server and run the following commands to launch a scanner instance.

Create Instance

To create an instance use the following command:

qm create <VMID>  --name <VM's name> --agent 1   --bootdisk scsi0   --cores <#of CPU cores>   --memory <RAM memory in MB>   --net0 <network interface>   --ostype l26   --scsi0 <storage name:$VMID/$VMID-disk.qcow2,size=56G>   --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci   --sockets <number of sockets>

where the following in 'qm create' command needs to be set the following values:

  • --bootdisk scsi0
  • --ostype l26
  • --scsi0 Disk Fomat to 'qcow2', Disk Size to 56G
  • --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci

mkdir <value set for --scsi0 which is path to VM storage name:$VMID>


qm create 117  --name qualys-scanner-cli --agent 1   --bootdisk scsi0   --cores 2   --memory 4096   --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0   --ostype l26   --scsi0 local:117/vm-117-disk-0.qcow2,size=56G   --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci   --sockets 1

mkdir /var/lib/vz/images/117

Next Step

Step 4: Copy the qVSA QCOW2 disk to Proxmox VM Directory