Generate Personalization Code

To register a new containerized scanner, users need a personalization code from their Qualys subscription. However, rerunning an existing containerized scanner does not require a new code; the existing personalization code can be reused.

Follow these steps to generate the personalization code:

  1. Log into the Qualys Enterprise TruRisk™ Platform.
  2. Choose Vulnerability Management.
  3. Go to Scans > Appliances and select New > Containerized Scanner Appliance.

    Scanner Appliances 

  4. Click Continue from 'I have my image'.

    I have my image  confirmation

  5. Specify a name for your virtual scanner.

    Add new scanner

  6. Click Next to walk through the wizard.

    Next step for add new scanner

  7. Copy the personalization code.

    Personalization code

You can check the activation status in the same window after deployment.

  • For generating Perscode through API, refer to the Add new virtual scanner API from VM API documentation.
  • You receive an 'Activation Code' in the API response, referred to as 'perscode' in the case of the Scanner Appliance.

Next Step

Step 3: Get Qualys URL