Remove QCSA Scan Residues

QCSA generates temporary files in a common or shared directory while it is scanning the assets. Once the scan is over, these residue files are not usable. These files are stored under <Path to shared/common directory>/ML-x.x.x-x/tmp. You can use the following command to see where the temporary scan files are present.

Use the following command as an example:


[root@localhost ~]# ls /usr/qualys/common/ML*/tmp/
126-7-40-4.853  test
[root@localhost ~]#

In the above example /usr/qualys/common/ is the docker shared/common directory.

‎User can clean residue files using the following steps

  1. Make sure no active scans are running on any Containerized Scanner on the Docker Host.
  2. Confirm on the user portal that no active scans are running.
  3. Stop all Containerized Scanner on Docker Host.
  4. locate the scan residue files using the command ls /usr/qualys/common/ML*/tmp/.
  5. Remove the files when required.