Configuring connectors is the primary requirement to start the TotalCloud workflow. The connector will link your AWS account with TotalCloud to discover resources which is necessary to perform the multiple FlexScan options available to you.
If you have already set up connectors for your AWS account, you can configure FlexScan to continue with the workflow. Skip to the bottom to learn how to configure FlexScan.
Navigate to the TotalCloud application. Scroll down on the 'Discover and Inventory' tab and click the 'Configure Connectors' option.
Once you are in the connector creation screen, you can provide the necessary connector details.
1) Select the type of connector. You can choose an organization-level connector whose configurations apply to all its members or a connector specific to one account.
2) Specify the name of the connector.
3) Provide the role ARN from the AWS account. Refer to the connector online help to learn how to acquire role ARN.
4) Specify the external ID and Base Account ID.
For Organization connectors, you can also add member account connectors belonging to a different role.
5) If new member accounts are required, select the 'Add member account' checkbox and provide the new role ARN for the addition member account.
5) Select the FlexScans required. Refer to Configure FlexScan to understand how FlexScans work.
6) Select the 'Cloud Security Assessment' checkbox to continuously monitor of discovered cloud resources. We recommend you select this option to get the best out of TotalCloud.
7) Assign Tags to the discovered cloud resources.
8) Click 'Validate and Save' to create the connector.
To view your newly created connector, navigate back to the TotalCloud Application.
Click Configure FlexScan and you will be directed to the connector listing page. Ensure the search tab does not have any queries run to view the full list of connectors.
Once you have created a connector, you can Configure FlexScan to run lightweight scans on your discovered cloud resources.