Assessment Reports
Use assessment reports to view the compliance of your cloud resources and resources within the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates for the defined policies in . You can use Qualys Query Language (QQL) to generate the on-demand assessment reports.
Create an assessment report by telling us the settings. The report settings are saved and available to you. Once you generate an assessment report, you can view the report summary, reconfigure the report settings, and download the report in CSV or PDF format.
How to generate an assessment report?How to generate an assessment report?
It's easy to create an assessment report.
1) Just go to Reports > Reports tab and then click Create New Report.
2) Provide a title and description (optional) to the report template.
3) Choose the report format: CSV or PDF.
4) Select the cloud provider for which you want to generate the assessment report.
5) Select the type of controls to be evaluated for the report.
- Run Time: controls and policies for evaluations on deployed cloud resources.
Click here for detailed steps.Click here for detailed steps.
a) Select the required compliance policy from the Select Policy drop-down for which you want to evaluate your cloud resources.
- For CSV report format, you can select multiple policies.
- For PDF report format, you can select only one policy.
b) Select either all connectors or the tags, connector, or a combination of tags and connector you want to evaluate for compliance.
c) Use search token query to filter the data you want to include in the report. For example, use evaluatedOn search query token to specify the date criteria for the report you want to generate.
PDF report specific settingsPDF report specific settings
Generate PDF of a specific evaluation result
Use the resource.result token to specify the evaluation results you wish to view in your generated report.
d) Select Resource Summary check box to include details resource ID, connector, control ID, resource type, evaluation date, and resource result in the report.
Assessment reports containing up to 8k records with Resource Summary get successfully downloaded. Download of assessment report exceeding 8k records and Resource Summary is currently not supported for PDF reports.
- Build Time: controls and policies for evaluations on resources in IaC templates.
Click here for detailed steps.Click here for detailed steps.
a) Select the required compliance policy from the Select Policy drop-down for which you want to evaluate your cloud resources or IAC templates (that include cloud resource information).
- For CSV report format, you can select multiple policies.
- For PDF report format, you can select only one policy.
b) Select either all connectors or the tag, connector, or a combination of tags and connectors you want to evaluate for compliance.
c) Use search token query to filter the data you want to include in the report. For example, use evaluatedOn search query token to specify the date criteria for the report you want to generate.
d) Select Resource Summary check box (applicable only for PDF report format) to include details such as resource ID, repository, control ID, resource type, evaluation date, and resource result in the report.
Note: Assessment reports containing up to 8k records with Resource Summary get successfully downloaded. Download of assessment report exceeding 8k records and Resource Summary is currently not supported for PDF reports.
e) Resource Evaluation Result: Select the evaluation results to be included in the reports for resources evaluated against the controls that meet criteria defined in Search Query. You could choose from Pass, PassE (pass with exceptions), and Fail options. You can choose multiple options.
6) Review the configured report settings in the Summary pane and then click Create and Run Report.
Can I rerun the assessment report?Can I rerun the assessment report?
Yes. To re-run a report, select the report from the Reports page and click Run Again from the quick actions menu.
The Create report wizard with pre-populated settings is displayed. You can retain the current report settings or edit them as per your need.
Click Run Report to initiate the report generation.
The report is then listed on the Reports page. You can download the report once the status is Completed.
Can I download the assessment report?Can I download the assessment report?
Yes. To download a report, select the report from the Reports page and click Download from the quick actions menu.
The report is downloaded as per the format specified during report generation.
How can I view the report settings?How can I view the report settings?
Yes. To view a report settings, select the report from the Reports page and click Info from the quick actions menu.
The Report Summary displays the report settings.
Can I delete the assessment report?Can I delete the assessment report?
Yes. To delete a report, select the report from the Reports page and click Delete from the quick actions menu.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion of the report.
The reports are automatically deleted after 7 days (from the date of creation).