Customize Widget Templates

We provide widget templates that have pre-populated search queries. You can customize the template to suit your need.

Perform the following steps to customize a widget template:

  1. On the dashboard, click Add Widget . The widget template library builder is displayed.
  2. Locate the required widget template from the Qualys Defined Templates, Recently Added Templates, My Templates, or Popular in Your Organization. 
  3. Choose the widget template you want to customize and click Customize Widget.Qualys Defined Templates
  4. Choose the widget type from the options provided: Numerical, Table, Bar, or Pie.

    Widget Type list

  5. Depending on the widget type you choose, populate the information and configure the required settings for the widget.  For detailed information about each widget type, see Widget Types.
  6. Click Test and Preview to test how the search query works and get a preview of your widget.
  7. Click Add to Dashboard to add your widget to the dashboard.