Download Dashboard Report

Perform the following steps to download and save a dashboard report:

  1. From the Dashboard tab, click the dashboard selector Dashboard selector icon icon.
  2. Select the  dashboard from All Dashboards, Frequently Used, or Favorites. Alternatively, you can find the dashboard by writing the dashboard name in the Search Dashboards box.
    select daschboard
  3. Click the download download icon icon.
    download dashboard window

     If there is no widget in the dashboard, the download icon will be disabled for that dashboard.

  4. Select the classification stamp from the Select or Create Classification Stamp drop-down. You can create a new Classification Stamp with the Add New button.
  5. From the Layout section, select Portrait or Landscape orientation to generate a PDF report. 
  6. After you click the Download Dashboard button, you are redirected to a new tab, and the dashboard report gets downloaded.
  7. Check the downloaded Report in your selected folder of downloaded files.

The Dashboard description is not included in the PDF report.