
Dashboard FAQs

We have listed a few common questions that you may need answers to.



How can I rename Dashboard?

On the Dashboard page, click the Tools Tools menu menu and select the Edit Dashboard option. You can rename the dashboard name and edit the dashboard description.

How can I save Dashboard as a template?
How can I duplicate dashboards?

On the Dashboard page, click the Tools Tools menu menu and select Create Template from this Dashboard option. Provide a name and description, and the dashboard is available as a template for you to use. This way, you can duplicate dashboards and then edit them as needed.

Can I download the dashboard in PDF format?

You can download the dashboard in PDF report format. You could also add pre-defined or custom stamp classification as a header to the PDF report.

Select the dashboard to be downloaded and click the Icon to download dashbord in PDF report format.  icon. Select pre-defined or custom stamp classification (optional) to add as a PDF report format header. Alternatively, click Add new to create custom header text, then click Download Dashboard.

The Dashboard description is not included in the PDF report.

Why is the Time filter not applicable to some widgets in the Dashboard?

If the widgets in the dashboard have a widget-level time filter configured, the widget-level time filter takes precedence over the dashboard-level time filter. In such cases, the dashboard-level time filter does not apply to widgets. For information on configuring widget-level time filters, refer to Configure Widget-level Time Filter.

How to assign or restrict access to the Unified Dashboard application?

We provide a pre-defined role named Unified Dashboard User to provide access to the Unified Dashboard application. Once this role is assigned to a user, the Unified Dashboard application is listed in the application selector, and the user can access the application.

To provide access, you can assign the predefined role or change the permissions associated with the existing role. If you have users with existing roles, you can edit the permissions associated with the role and assign "Unified Dashboard Application Access" permission to an existing role.

The Scanner, Reader, and Unit Manager users are assigned access to the Unified Dashboard application by default.