How to enter dates in your queries
To search for dates you'll use a date range [start date .. end date] or a specific date or a year.
Date variables
Date variables help you define a date or a date range you're interested in. We support the following date formats: yyyy, yyyy-MM, yyyy-MM-dd.
- Find assets with deployment job started between January 1st 2020 and December 31st 2020 (i.e. yyyy)
startDateTime: "2020"
- Find assets with deployment job started between 01 November 2020 and 30 November 2020 (i.e. yyyy-MM)
startDateTime: "2020-11"
- Find assets with deployment job started anytime on November 1st 2020 (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd)
startDateTime: "2020-11-01"
- Find assets with deployment job started on November 1st 2020 from 10 to 11am (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd HH)
startDateTime: "2020-11-01 10"
- Find assets with deployment job started on November 1st 2020 at 10:15 A.M. (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm)
startDateTime: "2020-11-01 10:15"
- Find assets with deployment job started on November 1st 2020 at 10:15:44am (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
startDateTime: "2020-11-01 10:15:44"
Use the "now" shortcut
Type now- followed by a number and any of the following time units: y (year), M (month), w (week), d (day), h (hour), m (minute), s (second)
now-1y for 1 year ago
now-2M for 2 months ago
now-5d for 5 days ago
Comparison operators
We support comparison operators in your date searches.
endDateTime > 2020-10-12
endDateTime >= 2020-10-12
endDateTime < 2020-10-12
endDateTime <= 2020-10-12
Find assets with patches installed between 1-2 months ago
installedDate: [now-2M .. now-1M] -
Find assets with patches installed between January 1st and April 1st 2020
installedDate: [2020-01-01 .. 2020-04-01] -
Find assets with patches installed within last 10 days.
installedDate>=now-10d (The result includes patches installed on day 10.)installedDate>now-10d (The result excludes patches installed on day 10.) -
Find assets with patches installed between 2020-10-01 and 2020-10-03
installedDate: [2020-10-01 .. 2020-10-03] -
Find assets with patches installed on November 1st 2020
installedDate: '2020-11-01' -
Find assets with patches installed on November 1st 2020 at time 10:53:49
installedDate: "2020-11-01 10:53:49" -
Find the agents that last checked in to the Qualys platform before the last 30 days.
In this case, don't use the NOT operator in your range search to form a query NOT lastCheckedIn:[].