Release 1.13

May 27, 2024

What's New?

Change in Character Limit for Custom Labels in Bar and Pie Widget

When creating Custom Labels in Bar and Pie Widget, we have reduced the character limit from 300 to 25. With the reduced character limit, the labels on the bar charts will be easily readable in the dashboard report. The following screenshot is an example of the Custom Labels with the changed character limit:

custom labels

Enhanced Reference Query in the Widget Rules

We have enhanced the reference value option in the Widget Rules of the Count function type for the Numerical widget. The reference value rule applies when you select the Compare with another reference query field. The following screenshot is an example of the Compare with another reference query field in the Query Settings:

compare with another query checkbox

Once the query is added, go to the Display Settings and click Add Rule in the Widget Rules. The following screenshot is an example where the reference value color-coded rule is applied:

widget rules

Issue Addressed

Category/Component Application
UD - VM We have enhanced the Dashboard reports for Pie and Bar widgets. The custom labels for these widgets will now be included in the report to ensure the data is easily understood.