Hosts with Cloud Agents

Agent hosts in your account

Tell me about reporting

Agent host permissions

How to merge agent data

Agent hosts and your license

How to report agent host compliance

Can I scan agent hosts?

How to identify agent hosts in compliance reports

Can I purge agent hosts?

Want to remove agent hosts from VM/PC?

Agent hosts in your account

As a Manager you'll see private IPs for hosts with an agent installed in your host assets list (Assets > Host Assets). Agent hosts are automatically assigned the tracking method Cloud Agent (or AGENT). You can choose to include agent hosts in your reports.

Note: If Asset Group Management Service (AGMS) is enabled for your subscription, you will see the Address Management tab instead of Host Assets. To understand the changes that happen when AGMS is enabled for your subscription, refer to Introducing AGMS.

Agent host permissions

Only Managers and Auditors can access agent hosts with tracking method AGENT within the subscription. Hosts with tracking method AGENT can't be assigned to asset groups unless the host IP is in your VM and/or PC license.

Agent hosts and your license

Host IPs are licensed separately for VM, PC and Cloud Agent (CA). Agent host IPs may not be included in your VM/PC license. If not, the agent host IPs will appear in your account but you cannot assign them to sub-users.

Can I scan agent hosts?

Yes. When launching or scheduling your scan, make these settings: 1) choose a scanner appliance for your scan, 2) enter your scan target including agent hosts, and 3) select the "Temporarily add agent addresses" option.

You will need to select this option if your scan target includes agents that may have acquired IPs not in your subscription.  Without this option the scan will not execute and will generate an error due to the addresses not being in your subscription.  This option temporarily adds the IP addresses of any agents in your target to your subscription for this scan only. Cannot be used with the External scanner option.

Can I purge agent hosts?

Yes if you purge agent hosts from within the VM/PC apps, we'll delete the scan data from them. Learn more

Tell me about reporting

When you include a private IP for an agent host in your report, we'll report the latest host data from Cloud Agent assessments. You can include agent hosts in your scan reports, patch reports and asset search reports.

Note: Cloud Agent collects only those software that are installed using a standard package manager (RPM and DEB).

How to merge agent data

You’ll notice host results from your vulnerability scans and agents are displayed separately in reports and asset views by default. You can choose to merge host results to get unified views of your assets. Learn more

How to report on agent host compliance

Managers and Auditors can report on agent host compliance by adding agent host IPs to compliance policies. Open your policy in the Policy Editor, edit the assets for the policy and select the check box "Include all hosts with PC agents". All hosts in your PC Agent license will be included. Note - This option only appears in accounts with PC Agent.

How to identify agent hosts in compliance reports

Look for the tracking method AGENT. You'll see this for your agents hosts in the Policy Summary, Control View, Policy Reports, Interactive Reports and Exceptions List. Note - For the Policy Report, you must choose the Report Source option "All assets in policy" to include agent hosts in your report.

Want to remove agent hosts from VM/PC?

Go to the CA app and uninstall the agents associated with the hosts you want to remove. We will then purge the hosts and remove them from VM/PC.