Control Values: Regular Expressions / Strings

The default values for some controls must be specified as regular expressions or strings. The control type determines the type of comparison performed to calculate expected values and determine compliance.

Regular expressions must be entered following the PCRE format. Learn more


A single string in the scan results (X) is compared to a single string defined for a control (Y). The control value is the default value (a string or a regular expression). You are compliant when X is equal to Y.

Line List

A list of strings in the scan results (X) is compared to a single string defined for the control (Y). The control values include the default value (a regular expression) and a cardinality. The possible cardinalities are described below.


You are compliant when

match any

any string in X matches Y

match all

all strings in X match Y

match none

no strings in X match Y


X is empty

not empty

X is not empty

String List

A list of strings in the scan results (X) is compared to a list of strings defined for the control (Y). The control values include the default value (a string) and a cardinality. The possible cardinalities are described below.


You are compliant when


X contains all of Y

does not contain

X does not contain any of Y


any string in X matches any string in Y


all strings in X match all strings in Y (listed in any order)

is contained in

all strings in X are contained in Y


Note: When specifying Windows permissions, see the following topics for guidance on entering the default value: Registry Permissions and File/Directory Permissions.