Manage Vulnerabilities Through Tickets

Remediation workflow is a feature that allows you to manage vulnerabilities through prioritized tickets. Each ticket corresponds to a vulnerability (QID) detected on a particular host and port, also referred to as a vulnerability instance. (This feature is not available to Express Lite users.)

Get Started

You won't see any tickets until a Manager (or Unit Manager) creates a policy. The policy includes a set of rules that tell us when to create tickets, who to assign them to, and how quickly they should be resolved.

Configure policy rules

Already have tickets?

As tickets are created they appear on the tickets list (Remediation > Tickets) where you can view and manage them. Edit any ticket in your list to change the ticket state, reassign the ticket or delete the ticket. After you fix vulnerabilities, launch another scan to verify your fixes. Once verified by a scan your tickets are closed automatically.


Good to Know

What is a policy?

How do I reorder policy rules?

Can I manually create tickets?

How are tickets closed?

How do scan options affect ticket updates?

Will I be notified when tickets are updated?

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