Scan by Hostname (Internal Scans)

Users have the option to scan hosts by their DNS or NetBIOS hostnames, when the Scan by Hostname feature is enabled. Internal scanning using scanner appliance(s) is supported. Contact your account manager or technical support if you would like to enable the Scan by Hostname feature for your subscription.

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Check the hostname to IP resolution performed by the DNS servers and/or WINS servers on your network to be sure the hostnames to be scanned resolve to IP addresses in your account.

Check the scanner appliances to be used for scanning to be sure the DNS servers or WINS servers defined for their configuration match the DNS/WINS servers to be used for hostname to IP resolution.

Check the Host Assets in your account (Assets > Host Assets) to be sure the IP addresses (full IP ranges) that the hostnames will resolve to are included in your account. If the scanner appliance(s) used cannot resolve a hostname to an IP address in your account, vulnerability assessment of the host will not occur and no scan results will be reported.

Note: If Asset Group Management Service (AGMS) is enabled for your subscription, you will see the Address Management tab instead of Host Assets. To understand the changes that happen when AGMS is enabled for your subscription, refer to Introducing AGMS.

Go to Assets > Asset Groups > New > Asset Group. Add DNS names to the DNS section and NetBIOS names to the NetBIOS section. Note that only Managers can edit these sections of the asset group.

You must also add a scanner appliance to the group. The scanner appliance must be able to resolve the hostnames in the group to their IP addresses.

Which users have permission to do this?Which users have permission to do this?

Only Manager users can add hostnames to asset groups.

Can I also add IPs to the group?Can I also add IPs to the group?

Yes. When the asset group is scanned, all assets in the group will be scanned, including DNS and NetBIOS hostnames and IP addresses.

Now scan your new asset groups. Choose a scanner appliance by name or choose Default or All Scanners in Asset Group (do not pick External). The scanner you pick must be able to resolve the hostnames in the group to IP addresses in your account.

When you scan a host by hostname, the scanner appliance resolves the hostname to an IP address in your account and reports the results by IP address. If a hostname cannot be resolved to an IP address in your account, then scan results are not returned for the host.

Run reports on the IP addresses resolved from the scanned hostnames.

To quickly identify the resolved IP addresses perform an asset search. Go to Assets > Asset Search. Enter the "All" group for your search target and then enter the hostname that you're interested in. Click Search. The Asset Search Report appears with a list of IP addresses that match the hostname provided.


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