Excluded Hosts Change History

GET POSTapi/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/history/?action=list

View change history for excluded hosts in the user’s subscription. History record IDs in the XML output are listed in decreasing order.

Permissions - Users with these roles have permission to view all excluded hosts in the subscription: Manager, Auditor, Unit Manager, Scanner and Reader.

Unlike other APIs, an excluded hosts change history request returns change history records for all relevant IP addresses in the subscription, regardless of whether the user has access to these IP addresses in their account.

Input ParametersInput Parameters



Data Type



Required String 

Specify action=list to view excluded hosts change history


Optional Integer 

Specify 1 to view (echo) input parameters in the XML output. By default these are not included.


Optional Integer 

Show only certain excluded IP addresses/ranges. When unspecified, all excluded IPs/ranges in your subscription will be listed. One or more IPs/ranges may be specified. Multiple entries are comma separated. An IP range is specified with a hyphen (for example,


Optional and valid only when the Network Support feature is enabled for the user’s account Integer 

Specify a network ID to restrict the request to a certain custom network.


Optional Integer 

Show only those history records in your subscription that have an ID number greater than or equal to an ID number you specify.


Optional Integer 

Show only those history records in your subscription that have an ID number less than or equal to an ID number you specify.


Optional Integer 

Show only those history records in your subscription that have ID numbers matching the ID numbers you specify.

Sample - Change List for All Excluded IPsSample - Change List for All Excluded IPs

API Request

curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD-H "X-Requested-With: curl demo 2" -D headers.15 "https://<qualys_base_url>/api/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/history/?action=list"

XML Output

<!DOCTYPE HISTORY_LIST_OUTPUT SYSTEM "https://<qualys_base_url>/api/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/history/history_list_output.dtd">
        <COMMENTS><![CDATA[my comments]]></COMMENTS>
        <COMMENTS><![CDATA[my comments]]></COMMENTS>
      <TEXT>1,000 record limit exceeded. Use URL to get next batch of results.</TEXT>
          <FIRST_NAME>Sally Unassigned</FIRST_NAME>


<platform API server>/api/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/history/history_list_output.dtd