Excluded Host List

GET POST/api/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/?action=list

Show the excluded host list for the user's account. Hosts in your excluded host list will not be scanned.

Permissions - Managers, Auditors view all excluded hosts in subscription. Unit Managers view excluded hosts in their own business unit. Scanners, Readers view excluded hosts in their account.

Express Lite - This API is available to Express Lite users.

Input ParametersInput Parameters



Data Type



Required String 

Specify action=list to list excluded hosts.


Optional Integer 

Specify 1 to view (echo) input parameters in the XML output. By default these are not included.


Optional Integer 

Show only certain excluded IP addresses/ranges. When unspecified, all excluded IPs/ranges in your account will be listed. One or more IPs/ranges may be specified. Multiple entries are comma separated. An IP range is specified with a hyphen (for example,


Optional and valid only when the Network Support feature is enabled for the user’s account String 

Restrict the request to a certain custom network ID. You might need to use this parameter to get the excluded host list you're interested in. Learn more

Asset Groups




Optional Integer 

Show excluded hosts belonging to asset groups with certain IDs. One or more asset group IDs and/or ranges may be specified. Multiple entries are comma separated. A range is specified with a dash (for example, 386941-386945). Valid asset group IDs are required.

These parameters are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together: ag_ids and ag_titles.


Optional String 

Show excluded hosts belonging to asset groups with certain strings in the asset group title. One or more asset group titles may be specified. Multiple entries are comma separated (for example, My+First+Asset+Group,Another+Asset+Group).

These parameters are mutually exclusive and cannot be specified together: ag_ids and ag_titles.

Asset Tags




Optional Integer 

Specify 0 (the default) if you want to select hosts based on IP addresses/ranges and/or asset groups. Specify 1 if you want to select hosts based on asset tags.


Optional when use_tags=1) Specify "any" (the default Boolean 

Specify to include excluded hosts that match at least one of the selected tags. Specify "all" to include excluded hosts that match all of the selected tags.


Optional when use_tags=1) Specify "any" (the default Boolean 

Specify to ignore excluded hosts that match at least one of the selected tags. Specify "all" to ignore excluded hosts that match all of the selected tags.


Optional when use_tags=1) Specify "id" (the default String/

Specify to select a tag set by providing tag IDs. Specify "name" to select a tag set by providing tag names.


Optional when use_tags=1 String/

Specify a tag set to include. Excluded hosts that match these tags will be included. You identify the tag set by providing tag name or IDs. Multiple entries are comma separated.


Optional when use_tags=1 String/

Specify a tag set to exclude. Excluded hosts that match these tags will be ignored. You identify the tag set by providing tag name or IDs. Multiple entries are comma separated.

Sample - List All Excluded HostsSample - List All Excluded Hosts

API Request

curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H "X-Requested-With: curl demo 2"-D headers.15 "https://<qualys_base_url>/api/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/?action=list"

XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      <IP_RANGE network_id="0" expiration_date="2015-04-28T00:00:00Z"></IP_RANGE>
      <IP network_id="14665885"></IP>
      <IP network_id="0"></IP>
      <IP network_id="0"></IP>

Sample - List Excluded Hosts in IP RangeSample - List Excluded Hosts in IP Range

API Request

curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H "X-Requested-With: curl demo 2"-D headers.16 "https://<qualys_base_url>/api/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/?action=list&ips="


<platform API server>/api/2.0/fo/asset/excluded_ip/ip_list_output.dtd