Add IPv6 Mapping Records

POST /api/2.0/fo/asset/ip/v4_v6/?action=add

Add IPv6 mapping records to the user's subscription. Each mapping record associates one IPv6 address in your network with one IPv4 address in the special mapping range

Permissions - Managers can add IPv6 mapping records, when the IPv6 Support feature is enabled for the user’s subscription. Other user roles have no permission to add IPv6 mapping records.

Input ParametersInput Parameters



Data Type



Required String 

Specify action=add to add IPv6 mapping records.


Optional Integer 

Specify 1 to view (echo) input parameters in the XML output. By default these are not included.



The CSV data file containing the IPv6 mapping records that you want to add. This parameter or xml_data must be specified.

The parameters csv_data and xml_data cannot be specified in the same request.



The CSV data file containing the IPv6 mapping records that you want to add. This parameter or csv_data must be specified.

The parameters csv_data and xml_data cannot be specified in the same request.


Optional Boolean 

This parameter controls how the service processes the IPv6 mapping records in the upload data. When unspecified or set to 1, the service cancels the request and does not add any new records once it finds the upload data has one record with an IP conflict. When set to 0 the service does not cancel the request if an IP conflict is found.


<platform API server>/api/2.0/simple_return.dtd