
Go to Help > About to see information about the service. Expand any section below to learn more.

Tell me about version infoTell me about version info

You'll see the current web application version, the current online help version, and the current version of the SCAP application (when this is enabled for your subscription).

Tell me about External ScannersTell me about External Scanners

External scanners are used for perimeter scanning. This functionality is available to all users to protect against external threats. External scanners must be able to access target IPs in order to perform network discovery and security audits on your perimeter. Multiple SOCs (Security Operations Centers) are located in various geographical locations as well as at customer sites with Private Cloud Platforms.

This section lists IP addresses for the service's external scanners located at the SOC where your account is located. Depending on your network, it may be necessary to add the scanner IPs to your list of trusted IPs, so that the service can send probes to target hosts when processing scans and maps.

This section also displays the current version number for the scanning engine and for the vulnerability signatures package.

Tell me about Scanner AppliancesTell me about Scanner Appliances

When you have scanner appliances, you see a list of the SOC URLs appropriate for your account/location. You need to allow these SOC URLs displayed in Qualys External Scanners and Qualys Scanner Appliances. Your scanner appliances must be able to contact these URLs on port 443. For Private Cloud Platforms, the URLs displayed are appropriate to your local on-site SOC.

Whitelist SOC URLs.

If you are facing scanner-related issues, then refer to the following support articles to resolve issues: 

What is a cluster?What is a cluster?

This is the cluster ID within the SOC (Security Operations Center) where your account is located. Certain SOCs have clusters enabled. The cluster ID appears only when the SOC where your account is located has clusters enabled.

Tell me about identified servicesTell me about identified services

This is a list of services the scanning engine is able to identify. For each service, the following additional information appears: the full name of the service, the type of port (TCP or UDP) the service runs on, and a complete description of the service.

Tell me about identified operating systemsTell me about identified operating systems

This is a list of systems, including operating systems, wireless access points and VPN gateways, that the scanning engine is able to identify.

Tell me about additional referencesTell me about additional references

This section provides a link to the Center for Internet Security (CIS) web site. Follow the link to learn more about CIS, their mission, and the CIS benchmarks.