How to create a SCAP Interactive Report

Launch SCAP Interactive reports to quickly create reports based on the latest SCAP scan data in your account.


Go to PC > Reports > New > SCAP Report > Interactive. Choose the report you want to run (Rule Pass/Fail or Individual Host) and click Run. Then choose additional report settings and click Run again.

This report identifies the SCAP compliance status for a particular rule. When you run this report, you'll specify a SCAP policy and a rule from that policy to report on. Hosts are listed with a pass or fail status for the specified rule.

This report identifies the SCAP compliance status for a particular host. When you run this report, you'll specify a SCAP policy and a single host to report on. Each rule from the SCAP policy that is applicable to the host is listed with a pass or fail status for the host.


Tip Schedule your reports in sync with your scan calendar. This way you'll get new reports after new scan results are available.