Configure a Registry Value Existence Control (Windows)

Configure a Registry Value Existence control to check for the existence of a user-specified registry value. You tell us the registry value to be evaluated. We'll tell you if that registry value exists at scan time.


The statement you provide is like the control name that describes what it is and how it should be implemented in the environment. You'll also need to decide which category the control belongs to. This is important because users can search and filter controls by category, they can also search by keywords in the statement.

The scan parameters are used to gather data needed for compliance evaluation at scan time.

Click Add Parameters, and make these settings:

Registry Hive - This is the registry hive containing the registry key value to be evaluated.

Registry Key - This is the registry key containing the value to be evaluated.

Name - This is the name of the value to be evaluated.

Tell me about the data typeTell me about the data type

You'll see that "boolean" is selected as the data type for this control type. This means the scan will return a value of True or False

Tell me about the descriptionTell me about the description

The control description will appear in compliance policies and reports. If you change the description at a later time, the description will be updated for all controls that use the same set of parameters.


Your control may apply to many technologies. Select each technology you're interested in and provide a rationale statement and expected value.

Time Saving Tip: If you plan to enter the same settings for each technology you only need to do it once. Make your selections in the "Default Values for Control Technologies" section first and then select the check box for each technology you want. You'll see that the settings get copied automatically to each technology that you select.

Make these settings:

Rationale - Enter a rationale statement describing how the control should be implemented for each technology.

Default Value. Select the default expected value (True or False) for each technology. You can lock the value if you don't want users to be able to change the value in the Policy Editor.

Add up to 10 references for the control. These may be references to internal policies, documents and web sites. For each reference, enter a description, a URL or both. When providing a URL, you must start the URL with http://, https:// or ftp://.  For example, enter to link to the Qualys web site. Once added users have the option to include references in policy reports..


Ready to scan?

You must select this setting in the option profile you apply to your scan: Enable Dissolvable Agent. When editing your profile, you'll see this setting under Dissolvable Agent (in the Scans section).