Your SCA Dashboard

How to Access the Dashboard

In Security Configuration Assessment, go to SCA > Dashboard to see your dashboard.

The dashboard will only include controls that were evaluated in the selected timeframe. Choose one of these options next to Evaluated: Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 15 days or Last 30 days. 

SCA Dashboard 

This dashboard provides a one-page summary of your overall compliance status across all CIS policies in your account, based on the most recent compliance scan results. As new scan results become available, your dashboard is updated automatically.

Note: We have added a backend configuration option to enhance the performance of the SCA dashboard. This option is not enabled for all users by default. If you are experiencing slow performance with the SCA dashboard, you can improve it by contacting Qualys Support or your TAM to enable it for your subscription. This option is available for use only to the manager user of the SCA application. Once this option is enabled for your subscription, dashboard data will be refreshed every 6 hours to reflect the latest changes. The last update time will be shown in the UTC time zone.

Note that this configuration option can be enabled only for the SCA subscriptions and not for the PC/SCA subscriptions.