Your Map Report

Why should I run a map report?

Tell me about the A,S,L,N columns

How do I run it?

Tell me about host status

What host information is included?

How to perform workflow actions

Why should I run a map report?

Generate map reports to view and compare saved map results. You can create map reports to:

- Identify hosts that have been added or removed from the network

- Detect devices that have been placed on your network without your authorization

- Filter data from your saved map results

- Restrict the range of IPs included in the map report

How do I run it?

Go to VM/VMDR > Reports > Templates. Identify the map template you want to run and select Run from the Quick Actions menu. You'll be prompted to select the domain you want to report on, plus one or two saved maps to gather data from. When 2 map results are selected we'll compare them to identify systems that have been added or removed from your network. Learn more about selecting map report source

What host information is included?

You have the option to include related host information in your report (edit display settings in the map report template). If included, you can click the black arrow next to any host to see this information.

Discovery Method and Port - A list of open services on the host. For each service detected, the discovery method used to identify the service is listed along with the port that the service was running on (if available).

Asset Groups - A list of asset groups containing the host.

Authentication - Identifies whether the host is included in one or more authentication records.

Tell me about the A, S, L, N columns

You'll learn more about each host in the report by looking at these columns:

Approved (A) - Identifies whether the host is included in the approved hosts list for the domain. An "A" appears in this column if the host is in the approved hosts list. This column is blank if the host is not in the approved hosts list. Configure approved hosts for your domains from the domains list (Assets > Domains).

Scannable (S) - Identifies whether the host is in your account and therefore scannable. An "S" appears in this column if the host is in your account. This column is blank if the host is not in your account.

Live (L) - Identifies whether the host was "alive" at the time of the discovery. An "L" appears in this column if the host was alive at the time of discovery. This column is blank if the host was not alive at the time of discovery.

Netblock (N) - Identifies whether the host is included in the netblock for the domain. An "N" appears in this column if the host is in the domain's netblock. This column is blank if the host is not in the domain's netblock.

Tell me about the host status

(Only applicable when two maps are included in the report.) Identifies the current status of the host as compared to the first map. "Active" indicates the host was detected in both map results. "Removed" indicates the host was detected in Map 1 (the older map), but was not detected in Map 2 (the more recent map). The host may be inactive and not responding. "Added" indicates the host was not detected in Map 1 but was detected in Map 2.

How to perform workflow actions

There are several workflow actions you can perform on one or more hosts directly from your map report. Select the check box next to each host to include in the action, and select an action from the drop-down menu. Then click Apply.