Add New Qualys Containerized Scanner Appliance

  1. Under Vulnerability Management, goto Scans > Appliances > New > Containerized Scanner Appliances.

    Containerized Scanner Appliance option
  2. In Add New Containerized Scanner, you can create an appliance using any one of the following options:

    Add new containerized scanner window
    1. Get Started - Enables you to create a containerized scanner appliance using a virtualization platform.
      1. Click Start Wizard.
      2. In Containerized Scanner Name, enter a name for the scanner appliance.
      3. In Choose a Virtualization Platform, select a platform for the scanner appliance.

        Containerized scanner name and a virtualization platform for the new scanner
      4. Click Next.
      5. Follow the steps given under Configure Your Containerized Scanner Locally and Locate the downloaded containerized scanner image.

        Steps to Configure Your Containerized Scanner Locally and Locate the downloaded containerized scanner image
      6. Click Next.
      7. Copy the Personalization Code and close the window.

        Personalization code for the new containerized scanner
      8. Refresh the list of appliances. The newly created appliance is added to the list of Scanner Appliances.

        Newly created containerized scanner
    2. Download Image Only – Enables you to download the image only. Once you download the image, you can later  proceed with configuring the scanner appliance.
      1. Click Download.

        Add new containerized scanner window
      2. In the Available Distributions window, click Download for a distribution package from which you want to download the image.

        Available distributors to download scaner image
      3. In the Review and Agree to Virtual Scanner License, click I Agree. Your image is downloaded.

        Review and Agree Virtual Scanner Licence
      4. Once your image is downloaded, you can proceed to point c.
    3. I have my Image – Enables you to proceed with creating a containerized scanner appliance with an existing containerized image.
      1. Click Continue.

        Add new containerized scanner window
      2. In Containerized Scanner Name, enter a name for the scanner appliance and click Next.

        Enter a name for the new containerized scanner
      3. Copy the Personalization Code and close the window.

        Personalization code for the new containerized scanner
      4. Refresh the list of appliances. The newly created appliance is added to the list of Scanner Appliances