Release 10.29.1
August 21, 2024
What’s New?
Qualys Vulnerability Management (VM)
Bulk Update Option Added for Asset Group Business Impact
Asset Criticality Score (ACS) for your TruRisk adoption is defined based on the business impact in the asset group. Earlier, the business impact of each asset group was set to high by default when creating or updating the asset group. As the business impact was high, the ACS was set to high, which impacted the TrueRisk score.
With this release, the following changes are implemented for the better adoption of TruRisk score:
Updated Default Value of Business Impact for Asset Groups
Business Impact is now set to Medium by default when you create or update an asset group.
You can view a text message when you create or update an asset group. This helps you to define the TruRisk Business Impact for the asset group to set the Asset Criticality Score.
Update Business Impact Option for Multiple Asset Groups
Update Business Impact option is added for bulk updating the business impact of existing asset groups. This option is provided in the Actions menu of the Asset Group and is set to Medium by default. Updating individual existing asset groups takes a considerable amount of time. This allows you to bulk update the Business Impact for all the existing asset groups to either Medium, High, Low, Minor, or Critical based on your asset groups.
This helps you identify and prioritize action on the most critical hosts.
You can update the business impact for a maximum of 1000 asset groups at a time.
Qualys Policy Compliance (PC)
Remove Compliance Scan Data on Dead Hosts
We have added a new option to the compliance scan option profile to allow you to remove compliance scan data for hosts that are not found alive. A dead host is unreachable—it did not respond to any of our pings. Typically, you would want to avoid reporting dead hosts, which can inflate your compliance detection data.
Configure this option in your Compliance Profile to set a number of Policy Compliance scans, after which the data should be removed. When configured, we remove compliance scan data associated with dead hosts after a set number of scans. This helps to get the compliance report only on the active/ live hosts.
The valid range to set a number of Policy Compliance scans after which the data should be removed is 1 to 99.
You can configure this option while creating a new Compliance Profile or updating the existing Compliance Profile. Navigate to PC > Scans> New/Edit> Compliance Profile.
This feature is not available by default and must be enabled for your subscription. Contact Qualys Support or your Technical Account Manager (TAM) to enable it.
Qualys API Support
We have enhanced Option Profiles for Compliance API to allow removing compliance scan data on dead hosts. To learn more about the API changes, refer to Cloud Platform 10.29.1 API Release Notes.
Issues Addressed
The following issues are fixed with this release:
Component/Category | Application |
Description |
VM - ASR | Vulnerability Management | When the users with the Reader User role were generating the Asset Search Report (ASR), an error was displayed as An error has occurred, and the Qualys Service cannot process your request. If this condition continues, please contact Qualys support. Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue. |
VM - Scan Based Report | Vulnerability Management | When the users generated the scan based report in CSV format, they observed that the Exploitability column information was spread across multiple cells. Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue. Now, information up to 31,500 characters in the Exploitability column is displayed, and the exceeded text is truncated. This is now documented in the Online Help in the Your Scan Report section under Scan Reports. |
VM - Assets | Vulnerability Management | When the users created a new virtual host by adding or editing the FQDN details in the FQDN field, they were not able to provide large FQDN details, as the field had a limit of 64 characters. Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue. Now the users can enter the FQDN details up to 250 characters. |
VM - Authentication Records | Vulnerability Management | When the users created a Windows/Unix authentication record with multiple IPs of hosts and launched a scan on these IPs, they observed two entries for the same hosts with different status in the authentication record details (VM > Scan > Authentication > Select Authentication Record type from the list > Details). Relevant code changes have been made to fix the issue. |
PC-Reports | Policy Compliance | When the users generated a policy compliance report for certain asset groups, the report did not display the pie chart and the trends graph. This was because the selected Asset groups had DNS-tracked assets. Relevant code changes have been made to fix this issue. Now, policy compliance reports display relevant pie charts and the trends graph irrespective of the asset group(s) selected. |
PC-Reports | Policy Compliance | When the users attempted to generate a scheduled policy compliance report with the Report Source set to All Assets in the policy, the report could not be launched. This was because the policy for which the user wanted to generate the report had the Include all hosts with the PC agent checkbox selected. The relevant code changes have been made to fix this issue. Now, users can generate a scheduled policy compliance report for policies that have the Include all hosts with the PC agent checkbox selected. |
PC-Reports | Policy Compliance | When the users attempted to select the IPs or IP ranges displayed in the Select IPs/Ranges window to generate a policy compliance report, they received an error. Relevant code changes have been made to fix this issue. |
PC-Reports | Policy Compliance | When users generated Qualys compliance reports for EC2 Cloud Metadata, using a standard policy report template, they noticed that some scan reports were missing cloud metadata for certain hosts. Relevant code changes have been made to fix this issue. |
PC - New UI | Policy Compliance | When the users were updating the Control remediation at the policy level, the remediation section was not updated in the Posture UI. The status of the posture was showing the default remediation on the Posture Details tab. Relevant code changes have been made to fix this issue. |
PC - New UI | Policy Compliance | When the users accessed the Posture tab in Policy Compliance and added a Qualys Query Language (QQL) token in the Controls search box, with the NOT operator, a discrepancy was observed in the Total Assets count. Relevant code changes have been made to fix this issue. Now, no discrepancies are observed in the search results using the NOT operator. |