Organization Info

This section helps you to view and edit the organization summary and other settings.

Organization Information

This section helps you to configure the organization level information. Sender’s address helps to send out any communication or notification from the organization.


This section helps you to configure various enrollment settings, application settings and sync settings.

Enrollment Settings

Enrollment details are required to enroll the VMDR Mobile user device, including ownership of the device, asset communication mode, and the option to provide the mobile number.

Note: If you set the Default Ownership of Assets as Corporate - Owned or Employee – Owned and the Mandate Mobile Number as No, you are no longer required to enter the mobile number during the Android and iOS enrollment process. The respective window where you enter the mobile number is not shown anymore, enhancing the enrollment experience.

Enrollment Settings

For Android device, you need to choose asset communication mode (Push and Poll) using radio button.

- Push: Qualys server initiates communication with the device when required.

- Poll: Device will communicate to the Qualys server after the specified regular interval. You can set polling interval in Sync Settings.

You can enroll all your iOS or/and Android devices without VMDR Mobile EMM.

Application Settings

This setting allows you to set a default value for Maximum Enrollable Assets field while creating VMDR Mobile users.

Sync Settings

These settings allow you to define various sync intervals like polling interval, asset sync interval and heartbeat interval.

- Polling Interval (in Minutes): If the device is in poll mode, it will communicate with the server at the time interval as per configuration.

- Asset Sync Interval (in Hours): Device regularly sends the asset update information like new installed apps, change in settings, etc. to the Qualys server as per interval set here.

- Heartbeat Interval (in Hours): Device regularly communicates to the Qualys server notifying its status as per interval set here.