
View Scanner Appliances

To view the details of a scanner appliance, select a scanner appliance, and from the Quick Actions menu, click View.

View Scanner Appliance Details page displays the following tabs:

The Basic Information tab shows basic information about the scanner appliance.

The Network Interfaces tab shows the network interface details such as LAN IP configuration, WAN IP configuration, and Proxy configuration associated with the scanner appliance.

The Connectivity & Version tab shows the connectivity record and version status of the scanner appliance.

The status Connected indicates that the scanner appliance is ready for scanning. It connected successfully to our cloud security platform on the date and time shown.

The tab also displays the software versions installed on the appliance and the latest available software on our cloud security platform. 

The VLANs tab shows the details of the virtual LAN's information associated with the scanner appliance.

The Static Route tab shows the details of Gateway and the target associated with the scanner appliance.

The Action Log tab shows the previous actions performed on the scanner appliance.