
View Scan Details 

To view the details of a scan, select a scan, and from the Quick Actions menu, click View.

View Scan Details page display the following tabs:

The Overview tab shows basic information about the scan—scan type, number of web applications scanned, start date, and duration of the scan.

The Statistics section presents the operating system,crawling time, response time, and so on.


The Scan Details tab shows the details of the scan, such as scan target, start and end date, scan mode, owner of the scan, and other settings defined for the scan. 

The Scan Options tab shows configurations defined for the scan, such as, detection scope, password bruteforcing, performance setting, and so on. 

The Slice Scans tab shows the slice scans associated with the multi-scans. This tab is available only for multi scans. 

The Action Logs tab shows the actions performed on scans—launching and relaunching of scan. 

With the Actions menu at the top, you can perform the following actions:

- view sitemap

- scan again

- delete the scan