
Web Application - Basic Information


Enter a name for the web application. You can enter a maximum 256 characters.


Initially, the user who adds the web application is the owner by default. You can edit the web application after it is saved and select another user in your subscription as the owner.

Web Application URL

Enter the URL of the target web application. For REST APIs scanning, enter the URL of the Swagger file (Swagger version 2 in JSON format is currently supported).

Tip - For a secure URL, click http:// to switch to https:// You can enter a maximum of 2048 characters.

Adding custom attributes

An attribute (name/value) can be defined for your internal host ID or any other categorization method you want. Once defined it's easy to filter your web apps list by custom attribute - enter the search token to search web app go to Filter Results (left panel) and enter the attribute. We show the custom attribute information (name/value) that you add here in the Web application and Scan reports.

Adding custom attributes

An attribute (name/value) can be defined for your internal host ID or any other categorization method you want. If you select the "Overwrite..." check box we'll delete all previously set attributes on these web apps, and replace them with the new ones. Once defined, it's easy to filter your web apps list by custom attribute - go to Filter Results (left panel) and enter the attribute.

Business Function

Enter the function of the web application. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.

Business Location

Enter the location of the web application. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.

Business Description

Enter a description of the business of the web application. You can enter a maximum of 2048 characters.


Apply tags to the web application. Users with one or more of the applied tags in their scopes will have access to the web application. Select tags from the drop-down list. We show the applied tags information in the Web application and Scan reports.