Restore the severity level of the given findings.
Permissions required - User must have WAS module enabled. User account must have these permissions: Access Permission “API Access” and "Ignore Vulnerabilities" permission. User must have access to web application which belongs to given WebAppVuln id. The output includes findings for web applications in the user's scope.
The element “id” (integer) is required, where “id” identifies a finding (WebAppVuln, WebAppIg, or WebAppSensitiveContent).
API request
curl -n -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" "<qualys_base_url>/qps/rest/3.0/restoreSeverity/was/finding"
Request POST data
XML response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="<qualys_base_url>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/finding.xsd">
API request
curl -n -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" "<qualys_base_url>/qps/rest/3.0/restoreSeverity/was/finding"
Request POST data
<Criteria field="id" operator="IN">645,183</Criteria>
XML response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="<qualys_base_url>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/finding.xsd">
As every uniqueId is unique, you could restore the severity of specific finding.
API request
curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "content-type: text/xml" -X "POST" --data-binary @- "<qualys_base_url>/qps/rest/3.0/editSeverity/was/finding/" < file.xml
Note: “file.xml” contains the request POST data.
Request POST data
<severityComment>Restoring default severity</severityComment>
XML response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="<qualys_base_url>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/finding.xsd">
<platform API server>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/finding.xsd