Tracking API usage by user

You can track API usage per user without the need to provide user credentials such as the username and password. Contact Qualys Support to get the X-Powered-By HTTP header enabled.

Once enabled, the X-Powered-By HTTP header is returned for each API request made by a user. The X-Powered-By value includes a unique ID generated for each subscription and a unique ID generated for each user.

Optional X-Powered-By header

API usage can be tracked using the X-Powered-By HTTP header which includes a unique ID generated for each subscription and a unique ID generated for each user. Once enabled, the X-Powered-By HTTP header is returned for each API request made by a user. The X-Powered-By HTTP header will be returned for both valid and invalid requests. However, it will not be returned if an invalid URL is hit or when user authentication fails.

The X-Powered-By header is returned in the following format:

X-Powered-By: Qualys:<POD_ID>:<SUB_UUID>:<USER_UUID>  


Sample X-Powered-By header

X-Powered-By: Qualys:QAPOD4SJC:f972e2cc-69d6-7ebd-80e6-