Returns a list of option profiles which are in the user’s scope. Action logs are not included in the output.
Permissions required - User must have WAS module enabled. User account must have these permissions: Access Permission “API Access”. The Output includes option profiles in the user's scope.
These elements are optional and act as filters. When multiple elements are specified, parameters are combined using a logical AND.
Click here for available operators
Parameter |
Mandatory /Optional |
Data Type |
Description |
id |
Optional |
integer |
The ID of the option profile. |
name |
Optional |
text |
The name given to the option profile. |
tags |
Optional |
text |
Filter by tags applied. | |
Optional |
integer |
ID of the tag assigned to option profile. | |
Optional |
text |
Tag name assigned to option profile. |
createdDate |
Optional |
date |
The date when the option profile was created in WAS, in UTC date/time format. |
updatedDate |
Optional |
date |
The date when the option profile was updated in WAS, in UTC date/time format. |
usedByWebApps |
Optional |
boolean |
Web applications used/not used by the option profile. |
usedBySchedules |
Optional |
boolean |
Scan schedules used/not used by the option profile. | |
Optional |
Long with operator: EQUALS, IN, NOT EQUALS, GREATER or LESSER |
ID of the owner who created the option profile. | |
Optional |
text |
Full name of the user who created the option profile. |
owner.username |
Optional | text |
Username of the owner who created the option profile. (like user_ab3). |
API request
curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "content-type: text/xml" -X "POST"--data-binary@- "<qualys_base_url>/qps/rest/3.0/search/was/optionprofile/" < file.xml
Note: “file.xml” contains the request POST data.
Request POST data
<Criteria field="id" operator="IN">832265669,832295669,832285669</Criteria>
<Criteria field="name" operator="CONTAINS">OP</Criteria>
<Criteria field="tags" operator="NONE"></Criteria>
<Criteria field="createdDate" operator="LESSER">2017-09-09</Criteria>
<Criteria field="updatedDate" operator="LESSER">2017-09-09</Criteria>
XML response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="<qualys_base_url>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/optionprofile.xsd">
<![CDATA[My Option Profile]]>
<platform API server>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/optionprofile.xsd