View details for a report template which is in the user’s scope. See “Search Report Template” to find a record ID to use as input.
Permissions required - User must have WAS module enabled. User account must have these permissions: Access Permission “API Access”.
The element “id” (integer) is required, where “id” identifies the report.
Let us get details of a report template.
API request
curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" "<qualys_base_url>/qps/rest/3.0/get/was/reporttemplate/876048"
XML response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="<qualys_base_url>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/reporttemplate.xsd">
<![CDATA[Web Application Report]]>
<![CDATA[Each targeted web application is listed with the total number of detected vulnerabilities and sensitive content.]]>
<platform API server>/qps/xsd/3.0/was/report.xsd