
Add or Remove Tags to Parameter Set

You can tag parameter sets to organize them according to function, location or any criteria you want and to provide access to these applications.

User Access to Tags

Users whose scopes share a tag with a parameter set will be able to access that parameter set. If a user's scope includes the parent tag of a hierarchy, that user can access any parameter set with one of the child tags of that hierarchy.

Adding and Removing Tags

To add a tag, select a parameter set, and from the Quick Actions menu, click Add Tags. In the Select Tags window, select tags and click Add Tags.

add tags

To remove tags from a parameter set, select a parameter set, and click Remove Tags. In the Select Tags window, select the tags that you want to remove, and click Remove Tags.

remove tags

Add or Remove Tags to Multiple Parameter Sets

To add and remove tags in bulk for multiple parameter sets, select the parameters sets, from the Actions menu, click Add Tags or Remove Tags.