
Detections - QDS Details

The Qualys Detection Score (QDS) is assigned to vulnerabilities detected by Qualys. 

 Only vulnerabilities and sensitive content are calculated for QDS score. 

In the QDS Details pane, you can see the graphical representation of the QDS contributing factors. 

qds details page

QDS has a range from 1 to 100 and with four severity levels:

- Critical: 90-100

- High: 70-89

- Medium: 40-69

- Low: 1-39

QDS is derived from the following factors:

a) Vulnerability technical details (CVSS score): The highest Qualys Vulnerability Score (QVS) for CVEs is associated with the QID.

b) Vulnerability temporal details: Monitors external threat intelligence details for a vulnerability and collects data like Exploit Code Maturity (ECM), malware, active threat actors, and if a threat is trending.

Note: If multiple CVEs contribute to a QID, the CVE with the highest score is considered for the QDS calculation.

Click Additional Insights you can see all the attributes.