
Explore the Knowledge Base

Our Knowledge Base of vulnerabilities is the largest and most up-to-date in the security industry. Go to the Knowledge Base to see a complete list of vulnerabilities that can be detected by our security service.

A) Search for vulnerabilities in the WAS Knowledge base using QQL (Qualys Query Language) queries. For details, see Search Tokens for Knowledge Base.

B) Use filters in the left pane to search vulnerabilities by quick filters.

C) Use the Quick Actions menu to perform the following actions on an individual selected vulnerability:

- View Details

- Edit Severity

- Restore Severity

- Ignore Vulnerability 

- Activate Vulnerability 

 If the actions described here are not available, it means the feature has not been enabled for your subscription. If you want to enable this feature for your subscription, please contact your Qualys Technical Account Manager or Qualys Support and request it. For permissions, see Knowledge Base Permissions.

D) Use the Actions menu to take actions on multiple findings in the Knowledge Base tab.

E) Use the Search Actions menu to view the recent searches, save search queries added in the search box, and manage saved searches.


You need to assign the Update KnowledgeBase permission in WAS Remediation Permissions for a user to be able to perform the new actions that are introduced for vulnerabilities.

By default, this permission is assigned only to the Manager user. If you want other users to be able to perform the actions, you need to explicitly assign Update KnowledgeBase permission to the user.

Related Topics 

- Search for Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability Categories