
Scorecard Report Template - Filter

For findings to be included in the Scorecard report, you can define filters so that the report includes detections on web applications that are scanned in specific time interval, scan status, and last scan authentication status. 

scorecard report template - filter

Last Scan Date/Range

You can select one of the available values- Today, YesterdayLast 7 days, Last 30 days, This Month, or Last Month. Alternatively, you can select Specific Range and select dates and time from the calendar.

Note: When you select Last 7 Days or Last 30 Days, it starts with the current date, and backward counting is performed to get the date range. 

However, when you select Last Month, the last calendar month is selected as a range. 

Last Scan Status

Select last scan status values - Finished, No host alive, No Web Service, Service Error Detected, Time Limit Reached, Canceled, Error.

This filters findings on the web applications based on the selected status of the last scan.

Last Scan Authentication Status

Select the Last Scan Authentication Status values - None, Not Used, Successful, Failure, and Partial. 

This filters web applications based on the authentication status of the last scan.

Next step: Report Template - Display