
Web Application and Scan Report Template - Filter

For findings to be included in the Web Application Report and Scan Report template, you can use the following filters:

web app and scan template - filters

Vulnerability Filters

Type of findings

Select the check box - Qualys, Burp, and Bugcrowd for each detection type that you want to include in the report. If you clear the check box, the type of findings are not included in the report.


Select the check box for each vulnerability status that you want to include in the report. If you clear the check box for a certain status, vulnerabilities for that status are not included in the report. 

Search List Filters 

To include vulnerabilities and QIDs associated with a certain search list in a report, click the plus icon in the Select Include SearchList field, and select one or more search lists from the Search List Records

To exclude vulnerabilities and QIDs associated with certain search lists from a report, select the Show Exclude Search List check box.  

Click the plus icon in the Select Exclude SearchList, and select one or more search lists from the list of Search List Records. The vulnerabilities and QIDs associated with these search lists are not included in the report.

URL Filter

Include vulnerabilities detected for a specific URL. Enter any part of the URL in the field provided.

Remediation Filter

By default, ignored findings are not included in the reports that are created using this template. You can choose to include or exclude the ignored and patched findings. 

Ignored Findings Options

You can select one of the following options for ignored findings:

- Do not include ignored findings

- Include ignored findings

- Include only ignored findings

Patched Finding Options

You can select one of the following options for patched findings:

- Do not include patched findings

- Include patched findings

- Include only patched findings

Next step: Report Template - Display