You can tag report templates to organize them according to function, location, or any criteria you want and to provide access to these applications.
To define tags, go to the CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM) application. You might use tags to organize report templates by divisions they belong to. If there is a tiered structure to those divisions, you can nest the tags in a hierarchy that mirrors that structure.
Users whose scopes share a tag with a report template will be able to access that template. If a user's scope includes the parent tag of a hierarchy, that user can access any report template with one of the child tags of that hierarchy.
The Manager need to perform the following steps:
1) go to the Administration utility, and
2) add at least one of the template's tags to each user's scope.
To add a tag, select a report template, and click Add Tags from the Quick Actions menu. In the Select Tags window, select tags and click Add Tags.
To remove tags from a report template, select a template, and click Remove Tags. In the Select Tags window, select the tags that you want to remove, and click Remove Tags.
To add and remove tags in bulk for multiple report templates, select the report templates from the Actions menu, and click Add Tags or Remove Tags.