
How to Search in Web Application Scanning

Using TokensContains Search | String Matching | Full Text Search | Suffix Matching | Prefix Matching | Boolean Operators | Multiple ValuesRange Searches | Date Searches | Nested Queries

Using Tokens

Enter the token, then a colon, and then the targeted value. Nested fields are dot-separated.



There are many fields you can search within each resource type. Start by clicking on the resource type in List View. Then enter "and" followed by the field name and value.


asset.name:"WebApp 538" and webapp.severity:HIGH
webapp.url:"http://test.com" and webapp.optionProfile.name:"WAS Options"

Contains Search

Enclose your token value in double quotation marks to match a string. Your results include any match that contains the specified value.



vulnerability.title:"Directory Listing"



Exact matching

For exact string matching, enclose your targeted value in the grave accent mark, also known as backtick characters (`<value>`). The result returns all the findings having the exact match with the value that you specify.


vulnerability.title:`Directory Listing`

vulnerability.owaspTopTen.name:`Broken Access Control`


Full Text Search

Some fields containing strings of text (like names, descriptions) allow you to use full text search and advanced search capabilities. Full text search fields do not support exact matching.

Learn more about Full Text Search >>


Show detections with the specified name

vulnerability.title:'Path-Based vulnerability'

vulnerability.title:Directory Listing

Suffix matching

Suffix matching is supported for some search tokens in QQL. Especially when you search for assets based on asset names, tag names, NetBIOS names, you can go for suffix matching for quicker results. All you need to do is, type the wildcard character '*' followed by the string you are looking for. The search returns name values ending with the string that you specify after '*'. Matches are not case-sensitive.


To find asset names ending with Target1, form the following query:


The query returns asset names such as MDS 3410 Target1, Burp Bugcrowrd Purge Target1 and so on.

To find assets based on tag names ending with 'ScheduleTag1,' form the following query:


The query returns assets having tag names ending with Region East, region east, or Region EAST.

Prefix matching

Prefix matching is supported for some search tokens in QQL. Especially when you search for assets based on asset names, tag names, NetBIOS names, you can go for prefix matching for quicker results. All you need to do is, type the string you are looking for followed by the wildcard character '*'. The search returns name values beginning with the string that you specify before '*'. Matches are case-sensitive.

Example: This query matches assets with an asset name starting with "WASUI".


Example: This query matches assets with tag names starting with "CMB" like CMB1, CMB2.


Boolean Operators

Use the Boolean operator AND to broaden the scope of your search. Use OR and NOT to narrow it down.

Note: Vulnerability search tokens do not support the NOT operator.


tags.name:`CMB1` or tags.name:`SS Targets only`
not asset.id:14916031
tags.name:`CMB1` and tags.name:`SS Targets only`

Learn more about Boolean Queries >>

Multiple values

To match values that are in or not in the fields, you can use a colon (:), followed by a comma-separated list of values within square brackets. Do not use quotes around your values. Available for all fields except analyzed fields (i.e. full text search fields).

Show confirmed vulnerabilities with severity 2 for which detection source is not burp. 

vulnerability.severity:"2" AND vulnerability.typeDetected:"CONFIRMED_VULNERABILITY" and not (vulnerability.source:"BURP")

Range searches

Ranges can be specified with the [lower limit .. upper limit] syntax using () and/or [] as follows. This is supported for numeric and date fields.


Greater than or equal to 123 and less than or equal to 922 - uses square brackets

vulnerability.age:[123 .. 922]

Greater than but not equal to 123 and less than but not equal to 922 - uses parenthesis

vulnerability.age:(123 .. 922)

Greater than or equal to 123 and less than but not equal to 922

vulnerability.age:[123 .. 1234)

Greater than but not equal to 123 and less than or equal to 922

vulnerability.age:(123 .. 1234]

Greater than 922


Greater than or equal to 922

vulnerability.age>= 922

Less than 922

vulnerability.age < 922

Less than or equal to 1234

vulnerability.age <= 922

Between January 1st and April 1st 2018

asset.updated:[2022-01-01 .. 2022-04-01]

Date Searches

Use a date range [start date .. end date] or a specific date or a year. Several date variables are also available.

Learn more about Date Searches >>


asset.created: [now-6M ... now]
asset.updated:[2020-03-01 .. 2021-07-31]

Nested Queries

Use a single nested query, using parentheses, to include multiple fields in your query per examples below.

Learn more about Nested Queries >>


Find confirmed vulnerabilities with severity 2 for which the detection source is not Bugcrowd. 

vulnerability.severity:"2" AND vulnerability.typeDetected:"CONFIRMED_VULNERABILITY" and not (vulnerability.source:"BUGCROWD")

Find web applications with last scan status and tag 'MS WAS 1000 Webapp' associated with it.

webapp.lastScanStatus:"SUBMITTED" AND webapp.tags.name: "MS WAS 1000 Webapp"