
Use Filters

You can use filters from the left pane to search for web applications. You can use severity, last scan status, authentication type, or associated tags to search web applications.

When you click a filter, the related search query is added to search bar, and you can see the parameter set for the search query, that is, the selected filter.

For example, if you select Submitted from Last Scan Status, the search query webapp.lastScanStatus:`SUBMITTED` appears in the search bar, and web applications for which the last scan status is Submitted are available in the list.  

use filters in web applications

Using the Last Scan Status and By Authentication Type Filters 

While working with filters in the Web Applications tab, if you use the last scan status filters, the web applications with the selected last scan status. However, the B Authentication Type filters show the authentication records associated with the web applications.

For example, if you use webapp.lastScanStatus:`FINISHED` filter, the web applications with the last scan status as Finished, are displayed. The authentication records associated with these web applications are also displayed.

The number of authentication records can be more than the number of web applications as more than one authentication record can be associated with one web application.