Report Settings: Scorecard Report

Name the report and provide a description

The name and a description will appear on the report header. The report name also appears in the reports list when you download and save the report.

Which web application(s) do you want to report on?

Select one or more tags to identify web applications to include in your report. To find a tag in the tag selector, begin typing the tag name in the tag selector in the Search field. Click a tag to select it, then click outside the tree to add the selected tag.

Want to exclude web applications from the scan? Add tags to the "Exclude web application" section. Select All to include the web applications that match all of the tags listed. Select Any to include web applications that match at least one of the tags listed.

Filter by scan date

This lets you filter web applications based on the last scan date. Click in the Select a date field and use the date picker. You can limit the report to web applications last scanned today; within the last week or month; on, before or after a specific date; or within a specific date range.

For example, select a timeframe like June1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 to only include web applications that were last scanned between those dates. If a web application was last scanned before June 1 or after June 30 then it will not be included.


When you choose one of the "Previous" options we'll start with the current date and count backwards to get the date range.

Last Week = the last week starting from Sunday to Saturday
Last Month = the last month starting from 1st to end of the month

Filter by scan status

This lets you filter web applications based on the status of the last scan.

Filter by authentication status

This lets you filter web applications based on authentication status of the last scan.

What contents do you want to display?

Click to highlight the components (left) and graphs (right) that you want to include in the report. Grayed components and graphs are omitted from the report. Note that to include selected graphs in the report, you must include the Graphs component.

Tell me about results grouping and sorting

The left column shows the included vulnerability groups and the order in which they appear in the report. Add groups to the report by clicking them in the right column. Groups are automatically added to the bottom of sorting order. You can define the sorting order by removing groups and adding them in the order you prefer.

How do you want to show severity?

By default severity levels 1 to 5 (Lowest to Critical) are displayed. You have the option to choose Low, Medium and High.