Report Schedule Settings

Schedule name

Provide a name for your report schedule. It can be alpha-numeric.

Select target of your report

Select Tags for your report target

Select from tags available in your account. To find a tag in the tag selector, begin typing the tag name in the tag selector in the Search field. Click a tag to select it, then click outside the tree to add the selected tag.

Want to add tags to your web applications? It just takes a minute. Go to the CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM) application, find your web application assets and apply tags.

Want to exclude web applications from the scan? Add tags to the "Exclude web application" section. Select All to include the web applications that match all of the tags listed. Select Any to include web applications that match at least one of the tags listed.

Select Web Applications for your report target

Select from web applications available in your account.

Configure the schedule date and occurrence

How often will the report run?

Select Single occurrence to launch your report only once. Select Daily to launch your report every 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, etc. Select Weekly to launch your report every week - on selected days of the week, or every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc. Select Monthly to launch your report every month - on selected date, or every 2 months, 3 months, etc.

Launch date and time

Provide the information pertaining to date, time, and time zone for the report schedule. We'll use this time zone to display all the dates in your saved report schedule. For Time Zone, select the local time zone (GMT shift and location) that this schedule applies to. Some time zones include locations that observe Daylight Saving Time and others that do not. For this reason, it's important that you make the correct selection.

Schedule status

Select if you want this schedule to be in the deactivated status. New reports will not be created until the schedule is activated.

Configure email distribution groups for notifications

Activate Notification

Select this to opt in to notifications and add distribution groups including yourself if you wish. Choose the email address to be used in the From Address of the notification. We'll send an email each time a scheduled report completes to users in the added distribution groups with a link to download the report. By default we'll send the report schedule owner an email any time a report does not generate so the owner can look into it. Users in the added distribution groups will also receive these emails. You could provide your own custom subject and message to be sent in email notification. If you do not provide custom message, default message is sent.

View the action log for this schedule

Click to select an action

Gets activated when you select message(s) from the list and gives you with the option to view the detailed log of actions.