Things to know |
Use Uninstall.exe |
Run from an escalated command prompt |
Close Windows Explorer windows showing %programfiles%\qualys\qualysagent or %programdata%\qualys\qualysagent |
Make sure no command prompts are open to any of these directories |
Running Uninstall.exe by double-clicking it in Explorer is not supported. |
Tell me the steps |
To uninstall, you should provide the Uninstall=True command line option from the elevated command prompt open to a neutral (not containing Qualys files) directory like this:
"uninstall.exe" Uninstall=True
The quotes " " around the file path are required because the environment variable expands to contain spaces. |
To uninstall and remove agent registry entries, append the Force=True command line option as specified below: "uninstall.exe" Uninstall=True Force=True |
Important notes about Force=True The setting Force=True is optional. This removes the registry keys and agent UUID from the host. If an agent is later re-installed on that host a new agent UUID is created (the old one is not used). If you intend to reinstall the agent and wish to reconnect it to its current asset record currently visible in your account, just run the command without Force=True or remove via the Add/Remove programs feature in Windows. |
Following are the commands to uninstall a Cloud Agent with self-protection enabled. Using these commands, you can uninstall Cloud from the agent host itself.
For .exe and .msi based agent installer package
Uninstall.exe Uninstall=True SPFKEY=Hash Key
For .msi based agent installer package
Msiexec.exe /x CloudAgent_x86.msi SPFKEY=Hash Key
Note: The Hash key to disable self-protection for a Cloud Agent must be generated using the Disable Self Protection option available on Cloud Agent UI.