The following table presents the most common communication errors logged by Windows Cloud Agents followed by a brief description of the error.
These errors logged by the cloud agent are parsed from Microsoft. These are not Qualys errors.
Error Code |
Error |
Description |
Error Log |
12175 |
This error indicates that the certificate required for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication is not present on the client. This issue may be resolved once the SSL certificate is installed on the client. |
Error: WinHttp Security Failure: The function is unfamiliar with the Certificate Authority that generated the server's certificate. Error: Failed to send request to web service: (win32 code: 12175), "(winhttp code: 12175), One or more errors were found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server.". Next steps for troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Win HTTP 12175. |
12152 |
This error may occur due to various factors, such as malformed responses or unexpected content from the server. |
Error: CORE: Unable to communicate with the server. (winhttp code: 12152), The server response cannot be parsed. Next steps for troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Win HTTP 12152. |
12002 (Warning) |
This error indicates that the agent has resolved the DNS name of the cloud endpoint but cannot establish a connection to that endpoint. One reason for this is intermittent or faulty connectivity between the client and the cloud. Also, slow or congested networks and some firewall rules may also intermittently cause this error. |
Error: Failed to send request to web service: (win32 code: 12002), "(winhttp code: 12002) Error: Failure while attempting to retrieve server response for a web request. Error: 12002 Error: Unable to communicate with the server. (win32 code: 12002), "(winhttp code: 12002) Next steps for troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Common Communication Error. |
12007 (Warning)
This error indicates that the agent cannot resolve the FQDN of the cloud endpoint. This often indicates a network route issue between the client and the cloud which can be attributed to no network interfaces available on the client, no connectivity to DNS servers, or a misconfigured cloud endpoint FQDN. |
Error: Failed to send request to web service: (win32 code: 12007), "(winhttp code: 12007) Error: Failure while attempting to retrieve server response for a web request. Error: 12007 Error: Unable to communicate with the server. (win32 code: 12007), "(winhttp code: 12007) Next steps for troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Common Communication Error. |
12029 (Warning) |
This error indicates that the agent has resolved the DNS name of the cloud endpoint but cannot establish a connection to that endpoint. One reason for this is that cloud endpoint URI may be incorrect or there is no network route currently available between the client and the cloud. |
Error: Failed to send request to web service: (win32 code: 12029), "(winhttp code: 12029) Error: Failure while attempting to retrieve server response for a web request. Error: 12029 Error: Unable to communicate with the server. (win32 code: 12029), "(winhttp code: 12029) Next steps for troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Common Communication Error. |
12030 (Warning) |
This error indicates that the agent has resolved the DNS name of the cloud endpoint but cannot establish a connection to that endpoint. Possible reasons for this error include firewall configurations that actively block or disallow connections from the client to the cloud. Also, route issues that prevent TCP/IP connections from getting created between client and cloud will also generate this error. |
Error: Failed to send request to web service: (win32 code: 12030), "(winhttp code: 12030) Error: Failure while attempting to retrieve server response for a web request. Error: 12030 Error: Unable to communicate with the server. (win32 code: 12030), "(winhttp code: 12030) Next steps for troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Common Communication Error. |
If there are other WinHTTP error reported that are not described in this page, refer to